Sunday, June 19, 2011

Are you see beauty of women in Hijab?

Hijab is the hallmark of Muslim sister, a fort, which preserves the dignity and identity and Islamic identity, It as oyster by which the reservation within pearl, for this we call Muslim sister to be bound by this dress the distinctive, as brother the man who puts the scarf and headdress and robe as the world which puts a turban on his head to be characteristic of him, Hijab is a symbol of a woman's Muslim, which saves her personality and trading power, dignity and social position, functional and they move freely, This is well known and often force women to wear hijab is committed to cut her hair or shaving as men or Western women, and thus appear like a man, Thus lose the most important elements of femininity and beauty, also fall in that prohibited the legitimate end to imitate men, Besides this I invite my Muslim sisters because they are virtuous daughters of the Muslim community, and their children promote their community and make men to boast of their nation and who are virtuous Islamic society.
To this good and this task I invite you, O virtuous Muslim sister.
Virtues of Hijab
Headscarf in obedience to God Almighty and obey the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him
Allaah has enjoined from obeying Him and His Messenger, peace be upon him said: {What was For a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger is that Have any option about their those who disobey Allah and His Messenger Have decreed indicating} (36) Al-parties.
And the Almighty said: {And your Lord is not believe until they make thee judge in Disputes between them, then do not find themselves in embarrassing than I spent Ignorance} (65) Nisa.
The command of Allah Almighty women in hijab, the Almighty said: {say To the believing women to lower their gaze and preserve representative vaginally Not to reveal their adornment except that which is apparent and beaten Interpretation of the meaning} (31) Al-Nour.
The Almighty said: {And stay in your houses Ignorance} (33) Al-parties, and the Blessed and Almighty said: { And when you ask comfort, ask them from behind a veil That is purer for your hearts and their hearts} (53) Al-parties.
He says: {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters And the believing women, ask them from behind a screen} (59) Surat parties.
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: - "women's nakedness" [true], means that it must be covered.
Veil chastity:
Allah has made the commitment to address the veil of chastity, he says: {O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the believing women, ask them from. Behind a screen, that they know so do not disturb} (59) Al-Ahzab, it exposed them to harm evildoers, In saying the Almighty: so do not disturb indication that the pros know the women abused her, and her parents sedition and evil.
Permits the Almighty Allah for women elderly women who were left in them into temptation in a veil, and revealed the face and hands, said the Almighty: {And as for women who do not expect a marriage is no sin on them if they discard their clothes not to show adornment} (60) Al-Nour, Heel and then a statement is desirable and most perfect, the Almighty said: and retain refraining by keeping the veil {better for them and Allah is Hearing, Knowing} (60) Al-Nur, described the hijab as a virtue, right and good in the elderly, how young women?
The veil of purity
He says: {And when you ask comfort, ask them from behind a veil, that is purer for your hearts and their hearts} (53) Al-Ahzab, He described the hijab as a purity to the hearts of the believers, men and women, because the eye if you do not see no desired heart, but if the eye: the heart desires, and may not long for, and The heart was here when you are not the purest vision, lack of sedition then shown, because the veil is cut Ambitions of patients {not soft hearts desire, saying that in Heart disease} (32) Al-parties.
Veil covering
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, "Allaah is modest and Steer, loves modesty and concealment", and said peace be upon him (Any woman stripped of her clothes in her own house, breach of Allah Exalted by the jacket), and the reward of sex work.
Veil piety
'O children of Adam! Undoubtedly, We have sent down towards you a dress that may cover your shameful parts and one that be an adornment to you; and the dress of righteousness, that is the best. This is one of Allah's signs, that I they may be admonished.
Hijab Iman
Almighty Allah did not address the hijab but only believers, the Almighty said: {say To the believers} (31) Al-Nur, and the Almighty said: {and women Believers} (59) Al-Ahzab, and entered the women of the Bani Tamim mother of believers Aisha, may God bless them, they thin clothes, she said: (If ye believers, this is not dressed in believing, ye non-believers, though, enjoy it).
The veil of shyness
Hazrat Mohammad s. said: (Every religion in ethics, Islam and the creation of modesty).
He said peace be upon him: (modesty of faith, and faith is in Paradise).
He said peace be upon him: (modesty and faith in all centuries, if the lifting One of them, lift the other).
and the mother of believers Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: "I enter the house, which is buried Messenger of God peace be upon him and my father may Allah be pleased with him and taking my clothes, I say: (but Is my husband and my father), and when he was buried Omar may Allah be pleased with him, and God only entered the tight On my clothes, the modesty of Omar may Allah be pleased with him.
Hence, commensurate with the veil of modesty, which is inherent Perhaps women.
Veil jealousy
Hijab also suitable with jealousy that mount by a normal man, who disdains That treacherous stretch looks to his wife and daughters, how many wars in ignorance Islam and jealous women, and diet of their femininity, "Said Ali may Allah be pleased with him: (I heard that your women's crowd infidels - infidels any men of foreigners - in the market, why not sense of self respect him? It is no good envious of those who do not).
Ugliness of Finery
Finery disobedience to Allaah and His Messenger, peace be upon him
Those who disobey Allah and His Messenger, peace be upon him, it does not harm anyone but himself, and will not Harm Allah a thing, "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:" All of my walk Paradise except those who refuse, "They said: O Messenger of God refuse? Said:" Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me has refused. "Bukhari
Finery brings damnation and expulsion of the Mercy of God
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: 'will be my last scantily dressed women, on their heads like divination, curse to him because they are cursed
Finery of the attributes of the people of Hell
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "There are two types of people i don't see him: people with whips like the tails of Cow beating people, and scantily dressed women, gait, walking, their heads Kosnmp divination slash, do not enter Paradise, and find fragrance, the fragrance is to be found Of such and such. "[Muslim]
Finery blackness and darkness of the Day of Resurrection
Narrated that the Prophet peace be upon him, he said: 'such as in ornamental women who put on other than her family, like the darkness of the Day of Resurrection, not light her' wants to swaying in Been walking the clothes come on the Day of Resurrection like a dark black of darkness incarnate.
Finery laceration and scandal
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Any woman who put her clothes in her husband's house is, it has violated the To cover the area between them and God Almighty.
Finery obscene
The women exposed, revealing the obscene and the aversion to sexual relations, he says: And when they commit a foul deed, they say: ‘We found our fathers doing it, and Allah has enjoined it upon us.’ Say, ‘Allah never enjoins foul deeds. Do you say of Allah what you know not?’ Surah Araf. devil is the one who ordered this outrageous. The devil dreads you of destitution and commands you of lewdness, and Allah promises you forgiveness and abundance. And Allah is All-Embracing All-Knowing. surah Baqara.268. Unveiled a malignant germ spread malicious rumors among the Muslim community, Allah says: Those who desire that scandal should spread among the Muslims, for them is the painful torment in this world And the Hereafter And Allah knows and you know not.
Finery years devilish
The story of Adam and Hawa with devil reveals to us how keen the enemy of God to the devil to spread immorality and depravity and shamelessness primary goal for him,Almighty Allah said: 'O children of Adam! Beware! Let not the devil (Satan) tempts you, as he brought your parents out from the paradise, stripping them of their dress that they may see their shameful parts. Undoubtedly, he and his tribe see you whence you see them not. Undoubtedly, We have made the devils friends of those who do not believe. Al-Araf-27. Devil then, is the founder of invitation Finery and unfolding, a leader of the leaders of the so-called edit Women, which is in front of all those who obey in disobedience to Rahman, especially those adorned Who disturb Muslims, and the charming youth, he said, peace be upon him: "I have not left me any fitnah Are harmful to men than women. (Bokahri-Muslim)
Finery way Jewish
Sold to the Jews in a large area of ​​destruction of nations through the temptation of women, and has been a wanton display of Spent the spread of weapons of their institutions, they are the owners of an old experience in this area, even said Messenger of God peace be upon him: "Beware of this world, and beware of women, the first trial the children of Israel Were in women "[Muslim] 
Finery ignorance skunk
Allah says: And remain stay in your houses and be not unveiled like that of the unveiling of the former days of ignorance, and establish prayer and pay the poor-due (Zakat) and obey the commands of Allah and His Messenger. Allah only desires O! The members of the family of the prophet! That He may remove from you every uncleanness and purify you well after cleaning you thoroughly. Al-Ahzab-33, He described the Prophet peace be upon him claim ignorance as a skunk any malicious, and ordered us to repudiation, came in called peace be upon him in the Torah that He will bid them to do good and will forbid them from doing evil, and will make lawful for them clean things and will forbid for them unclean things. (Al-Araf-157) Claim ignorance sister flaunt ignorance, she rotten and filthy, we have forbidden the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him,The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: 'Everything is ignorance of the subject under my feet' Whether this: flaunt ignorance, and claim ignorance, and the rule of ignorance, ignorance and Lord.
Finery backwardness and degeneration
The unfolding and nudity bestiality animal instinct, tends not only to human and be reversed as it descended to the rank of the lowest rank of the man who honored God and blessed by the love of intuition, realized Jackets and maintenance,
The vision of a display of depravity and beauty scandal is only the corruption of human nature and relapse in taste, and a sign of backwardness and decadence. I have been associated with progression of human upgrade in the cover of his body, the tendency was always the result of covering up the progress, and the women to cover hijab commensurate with the instinct of jealousy, which draws its strength from the Spirit,
Finery the door of a terrible evil
This is because of meditation texts Shara, and throughout history certain evils of wanton display and weigh on the religion and the world, especially if joined by a reckless mixing.
It is these consequences:
Race unveiled in the field of ornamental forbidden to draw attention to them, which destroys morality and money, and makes the women as commodity vile degrading both willing to be seen.
Including: corruption, ethics men, especially young people, especially teenagers, and forbidden them to immorality of all kinds.
Including: break family ties, lack of confidence among its members, and the prevalence of divorce.
Including: trafficking in women as propaganda or entertainment in the areas of trade and others.
including: the spread of diseases: said peace be upon him: 'do not appear
Evil people who never even declare only those revealed by the plague and pain were not the ancestors who have gone '[true]
including: facilitating the sin of adultery eye,
He said peace be upon him: 'Eyes of adultery' [Muslim], and obey the difficulty in lowering the gaze, which ordered them to please God Almighty.
Conditions to be provided combined in order to be legitimate veil
1: Cover the entire body of women to the more correct :
Some scholars detect allows the face and hands, provided security and sedition which, ie: unless Not pretty, and did not decorate her face or hands, an ornament, acquired, and did not tend to The society in which he led the live do not hesitate to consider it taboo, if not available These controls is not permissible for blowing the agreement of scientists.
2: that the veil is not in itself Accessories:
Allah says: {and do not reveal their adornment except what appear thereof} (31) Al-Nur, and the Almighty said: {and do not display yourselves like flaunt ignorance I} (33) Al-Ahzab, Allaah has prescribed the hijab Lester Accessories women, there is no Is it possible that is in the same decoration.
3: to be brazen does not show:
Because the Jackets can not be achieved without it, but it makes the transparent woman clothed by name, naked In fact, he said, peace be upon him: "It will be the last of my scantily dressed women, on their heads Kosnmp divination, curse to him"]
He said - well - in intimacy: "do not enter Paradise, and find fragrance, the fragrance of existing Such and such "[Muslim]
This indicates that women wear a dress transparent thin described, from deadly sins .

4: to be wide and loose, not tight:
Because the purpose of the veil to prevent sedition, and describes the magnitude of the narrow body, or in part, And depicted in the eyes of men, and in that of corruption and sedition in it.
5: Not to be perfumed with pride:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Any woman who perfumes herself, and passes by people so that they fragrance , Is an adulteress "]
6: It should not resemble men's clothes:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Not one of us who like men, women, and women of similar Of men. "
Abu Hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him the man who wears Women, and women wear men's clothing. "
7: Clothing that does not resemble kaafir women:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "Whoever imitates a people is one of them."
And Abdullah bin Amr, may Allah be pleased with him: "The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him on the two garments Safflower, said: (This is one of the infidels, do not wear clothes). [Muslim]
8: that does not mean its popularity among the people:
The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: "It is wearing a garment of fame in this world, Allaah will clothe him dress Humiliating the Day of Resurrection, then flared up in a fire. "
Bass and fame is all intended to dress the owner Acnhar between people, whether Valuable garment, worn by boasting world and its adornments, or wear despicable show of reluctance And hypocrisy, is wearing a dress, for example, contrary to the colors of their clothes to draw the attention of people, And strutted them as big and wonder.
O Muslim sister! obey the words of Allah and His Messenger and the provisions of Islam, Islam is complete constitution for human life, Security and Safety in obedience to Allah and His Messenger, and compliance his command and prohibitions to avoid
The doom and turmoil in violation of Allah and His Messenger.
Dear sister! GO fast to repent, O slave of Allaah, and Beware of the word (you will repent, I shall pray, will did not block, the delay of repentance must repent from sin.
I say as Moses said: {and accelerated to you Lord to be satisfied} (84) Al-Taha.
And say as the believers, men and women by: {We hear and we obey our Lord and forgiveness unto} (285) Al-Baqarah.

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